The obligation to pray is a permanent one that becomes incumbent upon every adult (defined as the onset of puberty), sane, Muslim. It is obligatory for the prayer to be observed at its appointed time. It is reported that early in Islamic history, when the Muslims were fighting the Quraysh of Mecca, either (Battle of Badr or Battle of Uhud), the Muslims broke off engagement in groups to pray while being guarded by those who had either prayed or were waiting their turn. The obligation to pray on time remains even when a person is ill or unconscious. This means that if for any reason the person is unable to pray at the appointed time, the prayer must be done later. If a person is ill and too weak to pray normally, the prayer can be said seated or lying down or by moving the eyes. It is reported that the prophet once prayed while on a camel - moving his head to simulate the movements of the body. When he was on his deathbed, he would pray while seated and the congregation would stand behind him and offer their prayers in the normal way. The only adults exempted from salat are menstruating women and insane people.
For an observant Muslim, it is psychologically distressing if the time for prayer comes and there is no water to cleanse or do wudu, nor mosque or other sufficiently suitable place to pray. The awareness that the time for one of the salats has come and one has not prayed is uncomfortable, like a new shoe that is yet to be broken in. A discomfort that gradually increases until it becomes painful. And only taking off the shoe will provide relief. One of the pleasures of being in Muslim majority or Muslim conscious places are the provisions to accommodate this need to discharge the religious obligation and get mental relief. These provisions are water in toilets to wash the genitals after evacuation, ablutions rooms, and mosques.
We are taught that on the day of judgment, when deeds are being examined, a person whose record of salat is complete will get an automatic pass and no more examination. An acceptable salat at the least is one done on time, correctly and sincerely. For an adult male, it must also be preferably done in congregation. Observing the salat on time is taken seriously in northern Nigeria. One of the things I like about northern Nigeria is how there are mosques everywhere (even if many of them are quite grimy) and so prayer is convenient. One of the things I dislike most about northern Nigeria is how mosques are built everywhere, without planning; and given how Muslims block the roads on Fridays, cause huge inconvenience to the public. I think this inconveniencing of non-praying people (either non-Muslims or those who have already prayed or are going elsewhere to pray) ought to invalidate the prayer or at least make it less perfect because it is unjust and Islam takes justice and injustice seriously. Also, this punctiliousness about salat is like the desi concern with halal. Desis are careful about what they eat, but based on the few I have observed, are not particular about praying regularly or praying on time or even fasting during Ramadan. Here in Nigeria, government officials would sit in their offices collecting bribes, embezzling money and being corrupt, but will punctually go to the mosque for prayers. Other than government officials, even I have been in situations where I would time my fornication to start or end before or after prayers. It is a case of people treating religion like a salad bar. Focusing only on what will not make our society ostracize us. There is actually a word for that - Ar-Riya - which means feigning virtue for social view.
I think the cultural aspects of Islam will eventually become more important to Muslims than the religious obligations. Many of us strongly and proudly identify as Muslim while privately disbelieving in its supernatural and metaphysical claims. It is possible that just like Christendom is now full of Christians who neither believe nor practice Christianity, Dar-al-Islam might eventually be full of people who are Muslims in name and culture only.