5 October 2023. Finally level 10! Now I can cloak and lurk.
- user since
- Wed Apr 7 2010 at 15:25:15 (15 years ago )
- last seen
- Tue Mar 25 2025 at 15:30:15 (11.5 hours ago )
- number of write-ups
- 144 - View vongrim's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 10 (Polymath) / 6031
- C!s spent
- 378
- mission drive within everything
- to read at least one writeup by every noder and vote on it afterwards
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- azahar
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User Bookmarks:
- A brief history of economic thought
- A scientific methodology for determining whether homosexuality is sinful
- Adult-child sex
- Alien Sex (review)
- America's "Europe First" strategy in World War II
- An older problem than we thought
- And then we'll invade Russia
- August 14, 2010
- Australia: Deadliest Place on Earth (essay)
- Autobiographical Statement: Indexed by Rivers
- Avian respiration
- Beyond Belief: A Buddhist Critique of Christianity
- Beyond good and evil, there is righteousness, and there is mercy
- Big Iron Penis Shrine
- Breeders: your children do not make you superior
- Brian Downing
- British Economic Miracle
- Bruce Lee vs. Jackie Chan
- central place theory
- Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu
- children (thing)
- credit crunch
- Creepypasta
- Cultural capital
- Cultural Revolution
- Democracy is not necessarily rational (idea)
- Dependency Theory and Brazilian Advertising
- Designing aliens (idea)
- Difference between science, engineering, and technology
- Diversity and Democracy in America, Britain and Europe. Pt 1 - FPTP and the Two Party System
- Diversity and Democracy in America, Britain and Europe. Pt 2 - PR and Multi-Party Democracy
- E-Prime
- Ex A l ti ora
- Eight Myths of Economic Globalization
- Eurozone debt crisis
- Facebook destroys real relationships
- Fleshlight
- functions of language
- Genetic use restriction technology (GURT)
- Giulio Douhet
- Greek fiscal crisis
- Half of the Empire (idea)
- Hegemony (idea)
- How the Scots Invented the Modern World
- How to be an asshole
- How to make good coffee at home
- Hydrogen (thing)
- If you're insane, how do you know you're insane? (fiction)
- Ik
- Iranian Revolution (thing)
- Is Homo sapiens the most advanced species?
- Is Taiwan a part of China?
- Isaac Bickerstaff (person)
- It's The Population, Stupid
- Kafka's Soup
- Kardaschev types
- Kathenotheism
- Kids from the short bus (person)
- lex talionis (idea)
- Life of a government employee
- Like a diamond etches glass
- Limbo (personal)
- London
- Love will fill us up, will make us better than
- Luke Skywalker's Younger Brother
- McGurk's Suicide Hall
- Methods of Interrogation
- Michael Crichton, Ted Scambos, and the Battle Against Scientific Stupidity
- misanthropic principle
- Most pernicious misconception about evolution
- Nina de Vries
- Oil and Gulf War II
- Olbers' Paradox
- On the color of mirrors and lizards and leaves and our Universe (thing)
- Oolong on Philosophy and Politics
- Oolong on Science
- open book test
- Order of Saint Jasper, Cannibal
- Palm Sunday
- Paradoxes of Islamic Fundamentalism
- Peak oil
- Persons Case
- Picasso on Stalin's cock (idea)
- Pledge of death (idea)
- plutonium economy
- Political Order in Changing Societies
- postcard fiction
- pragmamorphism (idea)
- Prebisch-Singer thesis
- Questions for those who don't like capitalism
- Ra
- Rapid Unplanned Disassembly
- Republic of Pontus (place)
- Requirements to leave this planet. (thing)
- Right Between the Eyes
- Roman Republic
- Rules for a Local Economy
- Run like you are six
- saeculum
- Saint Bastard's Day
- Schopenhauer on the difference between music and other arts
- Self-Healing Minefield
- Sex as Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.)
- Sex with a prostitute
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Spanish Civil War
- strip club
- Strong anthropic principle
- Tall Tales (fiction)
- Tanks: A Brief History and Hunting Guide
- Teacher comments on papers
- Ten Point Plan to Save America
- Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks are a Bad Idea for Blacks - and Racist Too
- The Art of Scrabble
- The Back of the Envelope: An example of informal military analysis
- The Back of the Envelope: An example of informal military analysis (idea)
- The Back of the Envelope: Part II (idea)
- The Best Meal in Beijing
- The Book of the Damned
- The boy who spoke with the sky
- The British get freaked out by American nonchalance regarding capital punishment
- The Cleopatra Controversy
- The collapse of complex societies
- The destiny of the unevangelized, and the incompetently evangelized (essay)
- The difference between desire and being desired
- The difference between drama and melodrama
- The difference between voltage and current
- The Doctrine of Fascism
- The Eugenics Problem
- The Exploration of Space
- The first explosion in history (thing)
- The Great Stork Derby
- The human body as proof for evolution
- The Italian Primitive Painters, a lecture for Engineers (essay)
- The Joy of Pair Bonding: Factory Settings (Female)
- The Joy of Pair Bonding: Factory Settings (Male)
- The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox (idea)
- The Monopoly Game: Anger, suffering, and betrayal
- The New Jews (An Intensely Personal Discussion) (idea)
- The Patron Saint of Liars
- The pointlessness of fearing alien invaders (essay)
- The price of oil
- The principles of UK nuclear deterrence policy and being dumped are remarkably similar (idea)
- The Punch: Kermit Washington vs. Rudy Tomjanovich
- The Six Day War, Aftermath and Consequences
- The Theory of Evolution is a valid theory
- The trees in winter (personal)
- The Willow Will Weep
- The world breaks everyone
- The worm has turned
- The Zola Controversy
- There Is No Natural Religion (idea)
- These colors ran
- Things nobody tells you about the south pole (place)
- TodayILearned (TIL) (thing)
- Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank
- U.S. Presidents
- Umberto Eco and the Bunnymen
- victimless crime (idea)
- We won't ditch Earth
- Weak anthropic principle
- What everyone should know about the first man in space
- What is it like to menstruate?
- Who are you, and what are you doing here?
- Why difficulty matters in games (opinion)
- Why I'm scared to see the new Star Wars
- Why is the air force allowed to bomb civilians?
- Why people who get the wrong number make it out to be your fault
- Writing a Novel is Hard
- Xocolatl
- You are not special
- You have won second prize in a beauty contest! Collect $10. (thing)
- Your radical ideas for how to change the world for the better will fail