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Maintained By: Oolong

Oolong (Fergus Ray Murray) writing on many different areas of science.

1 Gravity (essay) Oolong writeup
2 gravitational potential (thing) Oolong writeup
3 Resonance (idea) Oolong writeup
4 paradoxical undressing (idea) Oolong writeup
5 Medicalization (idea) Oolong writeup
6 Magpie (thing) Oolong writeup
7 Carbon (thing) Oolong writeup
8 protato (thing) Oolong writeup
9 Delusions of Gender (review) Oolong writeup
10 Turmeric (thing) Oolong writeup
11 order of magnitude (idea) Oolong writeup
12 diurnal vertical migration (essay) Oolong writeup
13 3D printed titanium jawbone (thing) Oolong writeup
14 dimethyl sulfide (thing) Oolong writeup
15 Levels of explanation (essay) Oolong writeup
16 Buttercup (thing) Oolong writeup
17 ground elder (thing) Oolong writeup
18 Star Power (essay) Oolong writeup
19 caustic (essay) Oolong writeup
20 The Cloudspotter's Guide (review) Oolong writeup
21 Reaction-diffusion system (thing) Oolong writeup
22 Hunger is the best spice (idea) Oolong writeup
23 3D scanning (idea) Oolong writeup
24 The Curlicue Fractal (place) Oolong writeup
25 Blue Planet (review) Oolong writeup
26 Quantum entanglement (idea) Oolong writeup
27 exponential (idea) Oolong writeup
28 hidden variables theory (idea) Oolong writeup
29 photosensitive seizure (thing) Oolong writeup
30 E2 Science (place) Oolong writeup
31 polarized light (thing) Oolong writeup
32 cumulus of fair weather (thing) Oolong writeup
33 quantum non-locality (idea) Oolong writeup
34 systematic error (thing) Oolong writeup
35 random error (thing) Oolong writeup
36 Astringency (thing) Oolong writeup
37 rainbow (idea) Oolong writeup
38 Selenium (thing) Oolong writeup
39 Antioxidant (thing) Oolong writeup
40 taste (idea) Oolong writeup
41 umami (idea) Oolong writeup
42 angular radius (idea) Oolong writeup
43 46º halo (thing) Oolong writeup
44 22º halo (thing) Oolong writeup
45 Sundog (thing) Oolong writeup
46 Cirrus (thing) Oolong writeup
47 cirrostratus (thing) Oolong writeup
48 circumzenith arc (thing) Oolong writeup
49 trigonometry (thing) Oolong writeup
50 E2 Podcast Season 6, Episode 2   podcast

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