Apart from the pyrotechnic uses of sprite, there are many other (semi-)warlike uses:

  • Shake it up and hand it to someone :-)
  • Poke a small hole in it with a pen or similar, put your thumb over it, shake it up, and spray away
  • Chuck the can at 'em. It's pretty hard and heavy
  • Shake it up, then chuck it at 'em. Pretty good chance it will spray all over.
  • In wasp-inhabited regions, use any over the previous methods to pour it on someone. Sting-time!
  • Rip the can in two and stab them with it.
  • Sprite serves as an excellent propellant for other substances. Here's how:
    • Poke a whole in the (unshaken) can.
    • Place a piece of tissue paper on top of the hole. (about 1 centimeter squared)
    • Put the substance (hot sauce is nice) all around the top of the can.
    • Put a little "hat" made out of a piece of paper folded into a cone on top of everything. There should be a tiny hole at the top.
    • Tape it all to the can, really well.
    • Shake like crazy, and the "substance" mixed with a bit of sprite, will fly out of the hole on the top of the "hat". Tons of sprite will come out, too.
    • sometimes the tissue paper will clog the "hat". Try it without tissue paper.
    • if you want a quick and dirty method, ignore the hat and the paper. Poke a hole, smear the stuff, shake, and fire
  • Poke a row of holes on one side of the can (unshaken), and roll it down towards the victim. It will alternatingly spray them, and spray the ground, which will (potentially) launch it a few centimeters off the ground, like a hovercraft.