Pride days are a great day for the communities all over the US (strangely, I'm not really sure as to the festitivies - if there are any - in other countries) ... I just went to the Pride festival in Spokane, Washington a couple of days ago. To give a quick rundown, Spokane is a big town with a small town mentality. Basically, almost everyone here is white, straight, Christian, and ... well, they seem pretty limited. I'd never been to a Pride Day in Spokane, so I wasn't expecting much ...

Was I wrong! There were probably 600 queers and queer-friendly people all over the place - everyone from drag queens to lesbian mothers to gay couples to single gay men to straight and supportive people ... both the numbers that showed up and the variety amazed me. They actually gave me a lot of hope for this place. Spokane, being 30 miles from Idaho, is not exactly a bastian of tolerance and difference, but for one day, it seemed that people didn't really care whether you were straight, gay, transgendered or asexual ... as long as you were having fun.