Hermes, Mercury, over the ages has taken on a vastly different flavour from what the Ancients offered.

As messenger of the gods, he could be all we really know of them. And eventually we receive only messages. We can only surmise the existence of the messenger.

Hermes Trismagistus, the Hermetic god, has been associated with much that is mystic, and just just mysterious through the middle ages.

Down to modern times, all that remains of the messenger is various oracular devices, the modern one being the Tarot. The Rider Deck, favoured by Alister Crowley, and the more new age ones, some depicted in the Whole Earth Catalogue.

The Egyptian cognate of Hermes/Mercury is Thoth. And there is a somewhat primitive Tarot deck called the Book of Thoth. If memory serves, since I have not devined since my youth, now that I am here, the Book of Thoth consists only of Major Arcana cards. The decks that have come down to us through the middle ages and the Romany, gypsies is the unpolitically correct term, also carry the Minor Arcana.