Chunky Refrigerator Catsup

Throw in blender:
1 28 oz. can plum tomatoes (or 2 1/2 pounds fresh)
1 carrot (cut into chunks)
1 outside rib of celery, ditto (leaves also)
1 small onion (between golf and tennis ball size)
6 large parsley sprigs

Blend until smushed. Pour into small, heavy saucepan. Simmer gently until almost thick, stirring now and then.This will take about two hours.

2 teaspoons prepared horseradish sauce
Boil furiously for 5 minutes, stirring all the while, then add:
2 teaspoons wine or cider vinegar
the same of brown sugar or honey.
(Another go-round in the blender will make this more like bottle variety, and not-so chunky.)

Store in small condiment cups in the freezer: molds and bacteria love this sauce as much as we do, and it will go bad in 3-4 days, otherwise. Makes about 2 cups. Great with Funky Burgers.

This is my attempt to wrest America back from (overrated) salsa, and the toils of high-fructose corn syrup by making catsup creative again. Sharp-eyed cooks will see the possibilities here: why not a touch of mustard seed? or basil? or even (gasp) cilantro? garlic? Wasabi? Anchovy? En diable with a touch of hot pepper? Unlike most catsup recipes, it's ready instantaneously, not needing a prolonged aging and mellowing process, like Sauce John Cage (a preparation of seasoned mushrooms, ideally aged a year) nor any Unobtanium (unripe walnuts anyone?).

Makes a great gift, and will impress your kids' friends, and their moms too!