Spring is here in Melbourne. It is a gorgeous day, the sun shines, the air is warm, the trees' leaves are bursting forth, people are getting around in short sleeve tops, Ahhhhhhh.....
.. and my bloody stupid mobile phone got smashed, so I have missed 4 bee swarm calls, grrrrrrr....
Anyhow, ASIDE from this small and non-consequential dysfunctional phone (can we all say, 'breath calmly and deeply, it's o.k.!' ) things are going great for me! - I went to the Bathurst 1000 last weekend in NSW, and am heading down to the Philip island motorcycle grand prix this weekend. My love life is swimming along, work is only moderately sucky, and I dropped how many nodes I need to level up.. WOW! so much has happened when you don't daylog for a year :)
Yes it's been that long since I last daylogged. I factually noded from lvl 3-4 without one! A years worth of work. It was fun to recently re-read some of these, and look at how 'seasonal' my feeling were - so in an effort to think for future prosperity I am going to now make a serious daylog attempt from now on. I so pledge. i think...
Since writing this node i have changed my
voice mail message leaving other numbers to contact me on ... this has resulted in 2 calls comming directly to my desk. I am NOW off to get these
swarms, and start this years backyard bee industry again :)