It was night time and there were hundreds of people watching me play one on one basketball with my friend Anna and we were having a free throw play off to see who would be the eventual winner.

Except we weren't playing with a ball, we were playing with coloured pencils, just hurling these pencils like they were javelins, at the hoop. (incidently, I won eventually 136 v 86).

The scene then cut to the next day, to my home town Cardiff. It was a lovely day, blue sky with no clouds and I was driving with my friend Ceri, from her house along the main road.

Except we weren't driving a car, we were sat on a big plank of wood with no form of safety belt which had wheels underneath.

People were whizzing and we were slowing down to chat to them as they went past us on their planks these included Radio Five Live weatherman John Kettley and BBC weatherman Ian McCaskill who was very bashful at being recognised by us.