hako-zukuri = topiary technique of clipping trees into a box shape.
hanchi = pond at the entrance of some Zen temples; represents the threshold between the outside world of the frivolous and the intimate realm of dedicated practice
hara = plains
hashi = bridge(s)
hashi-basami-ishi = the foundation stones or abutments of a bridge
hatsuhana = lit. 'first flowers'; refers to tufts of snow on tree branches in late winter
hikata = ebb-tide beach
hira-niwa a flat garden
hojo = Zen abbot's quarters; surrounded by gardens on all sides
hondo = main hall within a temple complex
Hôrai = symbolic version of the 'Isles of the Blessed' of Taoist mythology, according to which there are five islands far east of the Chinese coast populated by immortals living in perfect harmony; Hôrai images are often embedded in gardens to attract the immortals
ike = pond or lake
ikedori = to draw the outer landscape into the garden by "capturing it alive; this term for "borrowed landscape" is much older than the more recent term, shakkei
ikekomi = a lantern with no pedestal; often appears to simply sit on the ground
iki = chic; a term used from the Edo era
ikigaki = literally "living fence"; a hedge
ishi = stone or rock
ishi o tatsu = literally "to set a stone upright"; garden building
ishi-bashi = a stone bridge
ishi-datami = literally "stone tatami"; a paving technique in which flagstones are placed in one long, rectangular strip
ishidoro = a stone lantern
ishigumi(niwaishi) = an arrangement of stones
ishitateso = monks of the esoteric Shingon sect acting as semi-professional gardeners
ishi-tate-sô = garden-making Buddhist priests; originally Shingon sect priests from Ninnaji in the Heian period but later used to refer to all such priests
iso = shore, coast
ito-ochi = literally "thread fall"; a waterfall cascade that resembles a thread
iwa = boulder
iwakura (iwasaku) = "rock seat","rock boundary"; rocks venerated as sacred
iwasaka = a type of iwakura where a pair of boulders symbolizes fertility
izumidono = a well-spring arbor built in Heian gardens attached to shinden residences
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