This was my first nodermeet, so a lot of this was new to me. What follows is not wholly word-perfect (read: largely fictionalised) but most of the events referred to actually happened. Consider this the screenplay for the movie adaptation of the nodermeet.
"I'm Sam 'sam512' Hughes."
"Your screen name and real name are the same? That's a bit confusing."
"Well, I'm not very good with names."
"Well, anyway, this is Albert Herring, Andrew Aguecheek, archiewood, ascorbic, 'ascorbette', CloudStrife, La petite mort, SharQ, StrawberryFrog, The Debutante and Wntrmute. We're missing OberonDarkSoul."
"Pleasure to meet you all. ...So what are all your names again?"
"Tea? Champaggun? Would you like something to eat?"
(Chomp chomp) "Yes, I'd like a- Y- How did you do that? You gave me an apple? Backwards in time?"
(Ophelia is a plant.)
"So you've been diagnosed as a goth? I am so sorry."
"I'm coming to terms with it."
"We're going to go to The Tobacco Factory. (It's just a name.)"
"I need to get changed first. ...I'm done."
"That was fast."
"You can't fight crime wearing those!"
(And there was beer.)
"...He's asleep? In Swindon? Neither of those were part of the plan!"
"By the way, it's also my actual birthday. I'm hijacking this birthday party, you hear? It's mine."
"Hooray! It's K9, TheLady and wertperch!"
"So... you guys are actually... all... ordinary people?"
"We're heading back home!"
"We're going to buy more alcohol on the way back. We only have six bottles of champagne left."
"By the way, that wasn't what I meant when I suggested bathing in champagne. It was very cold and my ankles got bruised."
"We're back!"
"That is a LOT of sandwiches."
"That sounds like a challenge to me!"
"I really don't think there'd be any point in having a gun instead of an arm. Unless you spend fifty, sixty percent of your day shooting at people."
"Wait, are there any lesbians here or not? Is there even any soy?"
"We could get Chinese."
"Somebody needs to form a band called 'Last Year's Rabbi'. Right now."
"We're not playing Musical Bumps after we play Musical Statues, are we? I'm at a natural disadvantage of at least a foot. I simply can't fall that fast."
"Dance close to the ground."
"I guess I could breakdance. ...No. No, actually, I couldn't."
"My theory is OberonDarkSoul has been here the whole time. He's a dark soul, right? The clue is in the question."
"How many sleeping bags do we have? Hands up everybody with a sleeping bag?"
(Several hands go up.)
"...Or an airbed?"
(Several different hands go up.)
"So we're fine, then!"
"Wait, don't we need one of each, each?"
"I have two lilos."
"Perfect! Let's use neither of them."
"What do you mean, we're separating girls and boys? What kind of party is this?"
"Why are we making sleeping arrangements? It's only two!"
"I'm going to be SO hung when I wake up tomorrow. I'm really bad when I'm hung over."
"Have you considered staying awake all night, thereby never waking up tomorrow?"
"It's already tomorrow."
(Lights out.)
"Gyargh. Natural light."
"Don't touch me, I'm fragile."
"My neck hurts. What are bedrolls supposed to be for?"
"Weren't you using a lilo?"
"There were lilos?!"
"This room smells like a brothel. Cigarette smoke and too many men who slept in their clothes."
"I, for one, brought pyjamas."
"What are you, some kind of prepared person?"
"What, no Maple Syrup?"
"I'll have some."
"Phew, guess that's me again."
(Sound of chomping.)
"A fourth? Well, if everybody else is full, sure."
"How many of these are you making?"
"I don't think she can hear me."
"That jug of batter is refilling itself."
"She's unreachable. We need to distract her. Get a waffle iron."
"I can't in good conscience—"
"So what's the aim of Fluxx?"
"There isn't one to start with."
"Great. I declare myself the winner."
"Mahjongg is based on Gin?"
"A lot of things are."
"So whose is this sleeping bag?"
"Erm, well I've got mine."
"Mine is the red one."
"We have all ours. No, seriously, whose is this?"
"Everybody's got their sleeping bags who brought them. They must be yours."
"They aren't."
"We're all here, right? We all have our sleeping bags? Whose is this? It's black! Who brought a black sleeping bag?"
"Well, if you remember, yesterday we were so uncertain about how many sleeping bags we had, we could have been so uncertain that there was spontaneously another one."
"With quantum?"
"Well, also, it was quite a lot colder in here this morning than last night."
"A present? For me? Oh! You got me Science! How did you know?"
"Erm, I've lost my car key."
"Hah, yeah, that was pretty funny."
"No, really. Car's unusable."
"Yeah, I know. You told me that one on the way over."
"I've got the key back!"
"Great! I mean, boo."
"Goodbye everybody!"
"You're all clearly awesome!"