Hello and welcome to reQuest
reQuest 2020: an E2 reVue is coming in January 2020! If you send me a /msg you can join up. If you have already joined up, don't forget to /msg me with your requests for other participants!
The reQuest Team is currently Nemosyn & Silverai_me.
More details coming at reQuest 2020: an E2 reVue.
About reQuest
This Quest was the brainchild of a catbox conversation between Nemosyn, Silverai_Me, & Estelore at the end of 2017. Upon receiving the e2gods blessing by Tem42 to run reQuest, the Quest was successfully run for the first time in January 2018. The reQuest Team having enjoyed themselves greatly and the quest itself being well received, we've decided to keep doing it.