Your job title is in many ways the most important part of your job. At least it is if you care about your future.

A good job title looks great on your resume. This will help boost your pay when you move onto another job. While a bad job title will make it hard for you to find another job at all. When a prospective employer sees your resume, all she is really seeing is a list of job titles. "Restaurant Manager" looks a hell of a lot better than "Cashier", even though that is exactly what the restaurant manager spends most of their time doing. At least that is all I ever did when I was a restaurant manager.

Catbert, (in the Dilbert comic strip), was looking for a way to reduce employee turnover. He came up with the perfect solution. He changed everyones job title to convicted felon. (Just try finding a job with convicted felon on your resume).

If at all possible try and get a job title like Software Engineer, Department Manager, or Head of Security. Avoid titles that include the words assistant, crew, service, team, or quality. If your job doesn't have a specific title associated with it, then create a decent sounding one early on, and then repeat it again and again, until even your boss starts using the term. I did this at Service Merchandise, my self created title of "Merchandising Lead" stuck fairly well, and a year later all the management had changed, and no one even thought to question the title then. I later transferred to a real management position at another store.

My current job title is Systems Auditor. Which sounds a whole lot better than what I really do. Which is type in 6 keystrokes to back up the database and print a report. After I do that I then proceed to answer the phone the rest of the day. My superior title will be an asset to me when I attempt to find a new job. If my title was Receptionist or hotel clerk, (which is what 90 percent of my job actually is), I would have little hope of any sort of advancement.