Back at work after taking Tuesday off, sick. I woke up yesterday with the shakes and a wicked cough. I coughed all night, and only around 0400 did I find the right cocktail of decongestants and lozenges to allow me to sleep. I spent the day lazing around the house and hacking. With my lungs, not with 1337 skillz.
This morning I felt little better. I coughed a lot last night, but I managed to sleep better. Today's problem was a massive headache. I dosed up with some Excedrin and drove to work.
This morning I was forewarned by a co-worker that our PHB is on his throne. He's been calling people over to bitch about this or that miniscule, capricious, arbitrary issue-of-the-day. Now I have that to look forward to. I just want to crawl into bed and never get up. I may have a touch of depression.
I watched the last disc of Battlestar Galactica season 2.0 yesterday. I also watched about 20 episodes of Spongebob Squarepants and the first hour or so of L.A. Confidential. Being sick does wonders for one's ability to watch TV. If I could figure out a way to make money of feeling sorry for myself and watching the tube, I'd be a zillionaire.