I'm writing this on emacs and listening to the CBC Radio 3 podcast for June 17, 2005. I'm sleepy.

Last night we went to a Valentine's night hike at the Jefferson Memorial Forest. The hike itself was about a mile long with candles in mason jars lining the trail so we could see. It started at 19:30, so the moon had not risen yet. It was dark but not dangerously so. Afterward, there were hot beverages and desserts at a conference center nearby. We had fun, though I don't know how romantic it was. We were constantly worried about tripping, and if we stopped to snog, we feared that we would be trampled by the couple behind us.

Since gentlemen do not kiss and tell, I will not tell you what happened when we came home. Suffice it to say that we are both in our mid-30s and 'twas past our bedtime. OK, I'll spill: we went to sleep. No, we did not euphemistically "sleep together". We slept. How lame are we?