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Wed Dec 15 2004 at 08:04:37 (20.2 years ago )
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Mon May 23 2005 at 21:46:44 (19.8 years ago )
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university of north texas
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Denton, Texas. A beautiful town home to two universities, one of which, The University of North Texas, I attend. Besides the obvious college students Denton is home to families, an albino squirrel, and a supprising amount of homeless. I generally spend my time with the students and squirrels, though some of the people of the street can be very kind and are very thankful when you give them a cigarette. At University I am studying to become a social worker. In the mean time i work as a sandwich maker and part time dj at the college radio station KNTU.


I've somehow been working in the sandwich industry for quite some time now. I spent almost a year working at Schlotzsky's Deli, and now work at rival Jason's Deli. There are many things i could tell you about making a sandwich if you ever wanted to know, if i were you i wouldn't ask. Despite the fact that i refuse to eat any meat, poultry, fish or gelatin I spend my nights making sandwiches, wraps, paninnis and salads stacked high with all of them. Maybe there isn't any gelatin in the sandwiches, but it's hard to tell with that stuff, it sneaks up on you sometimes. I can say that without a doubt, the veggie sandwiches at Jason's are much nicer than those at Schlotzsky's


Being a Dj has been a dream of mine for a long time. it may be one of the only dreams for my life that i've achieved. Since hearing the adventure club, hosted by josh venable on KDGE i have desired to have my voice carried through the air to anyone within a 100 thosand watt radius and a radio. It may also be related to my lifelong obsession with sound. Now that I am a dj i've realized it's not exactly what i wanted it to be like, that could be related to the fact that i'm not truly passionate about jazz.

my lifelong obsession with sound.

If anyone ever took a sharpened stick and shoved them into my ear cavitys, i would kill them. I would then kill myself. I love sound. I can sit next to the train tracks and listen as a locomotive rolls by and get lost in the hug of noise. I have listened to static and smiled, though i generally call it white noise. When i found the pink noise generator my father built as a highschool physics project in my attic, i was overcome with joy. It's difficult for me to explain the feelings i have for sound. I've been known to talk to myself just to hear my own voice. my obsession with sound is without a doubt responsible for my life long obsession with music.

my lifelong obsession with music.

From the time that i can remember i can remember music. Though my first memory is of being swung towards some kind of chandelier. It was probaly more of a light fixture, the kind that hangs over a table in a dining room. I don't remember what music was playing then. Regardless I remeber my father playing for me the b52's, REM, 10,000 maniacs, and plenty of other bands that are too plentiful to remember. I define the stages of my life by the music i listened to at the time. Because of the afformentioned "adventure club" I was able to expand what i would generally hear about from my friends, and cool cousins, to a lot of music that was being played on college radio stations then (and now). A few years ago I took a staunch stance against my former musical elitism and began listening to more mainstream music and viewing it for what it is. I'm very thankful for that change in my life, it has allowed me to have a lot more fun.

pretending to be homeless.

call it a hobby.


I've realized that one of the things i most dislike about myself is my memory. its sharpness used to be nice, but not anymore. I want to forget things like other people do. my memory isn't photographic, thank the almighty for that, but it holds too much for its own good. Even more recently i've realized that a number of my vices have been constructed in order to destroy my memory, unfortunately it has yet to work. I've gotten shit faced drunk on many occasions, but i have never blacked out. I will run around being belligerent towards my friends and strangers and remeber every detail the next morning. i'm tired of it. if you have a suggestion to help me with my dellima, any assistance would be appreciated


My friends are all fuck ups, and i wouldn't have it any other way. They might not be reliable, their brains are deterorating, but they're what i've got. If anything happened to any of them, I don't know what i'd do. We go places together, have fun together, see things and do things. Some people say we're wasting our lives, we might be, but i'm pretty sure we're all okay with that. We know that someday we're going to die. That someday we won't be friends any more. Now's allright though. We live in the moment, our moments are quick and precise. Half of them have been to rehab at least once. I can't controll their self-destructive tendancies any more than they can control mine. They might yell at me when they're drunk, or say something bad about me to my face. If it ever comes down to it though, I know they'll be there for me. It's more than i can say for most people.


beer, liquor, wine, cigarettes, weed, lsd, mushrooms, ecstasy, cocaine, meth, quadbars. it gets me no where does it?