Mom was working as a
long distance telephone operator for
Southwestern Bell, and we needed
another car so she could get to
My parents ended up buying a 1964 Chevy Impala for something like $300. It was a beast, and the transmission sounded like a bowling alley. But it got Mom to work and back.
Mom was looking for one of those thermal coffee mugs popular in the late 1970s--the kind that had a shell of clear plastic over the white plastic interior, with a printed insert in the middle. She found one at the grocery store with a pretty geometric floral pattern and bought it and took it home.
When she showed us how proud she was of her new coffee mug, it was then I noticed that it was in fact a personalized mug, and that the name on the mug was Alice, not Rosemarie as would have been necessary for this to me my mom's mug. When I pointed this out, she took it in stride, and said, "Alice is the name of my car."
And that was that. From then on, the car was known simply as Alice.
mrichich's mom