PETA, in their attempt to
protest the
inhumane treatment of cows, like injecting them with
hormones, forcing them to give birth to
calf after
calf, started a campaign,
Milk Sucks and the
Got Beer? ads.
MADD, (mothers against drunk driving) strongly objected to these ads, especially their being placed all over hundreds of college campuses. PETA apologized, and removed them from colleges, and donated $500 to MADD. MADD returned the money, saying they were missing the point, they should stop endorsing alcohol period.
PETA has done some very controversial topics in the past, such as a large billboard of Mayor Rudy Giuliani of NYC with a milk mustache and the slogan Got Prostate Cancer?. After some very strong objections from the mayor and cancer victims, they pulled the billboard.
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