Our African Queen is going home. She fled a revolution, leaving all her worldly goods. She arrived in the US with her family and not much else. She built a life and became the nurse you would want to care for your family member. She danced and sang and made a home. She cooked for us; interesting things like sweet potatoe greens and strange, spicy fish dishes. She told us stories of Africa; the beauty, the wisdom, her childhood, the ways of birthing and caring for children. She worked, partied, smiled and hugged like she meant it. She enjoys receiving as well as giving. Bring this girl/woman a home cooked meal or a few flowers and she made you feel like a Queen yourself!
She returns to Africa with her wonderful husband who gazes at her with such open love! Their grown children are all planning to visit for Christmas. Meanwhile it is second honeymoon time. No empty nest trauma here. It is time for life's next stage.
She has a such a happy heart that she glows. She claims she is retired but I expect I'll find her quite involved with her community when I visit, and visit I will. I need to know her world.