Have this creator person e-mail me; until then, I will raise hell as I see fit.

When jackbooted thugs come for me or my children, they damn well better be armed because their fucking footwear isn't going to make as much as a lick of difference after they have been blown to confetti all over my living room.

And how the fuck is Al Gore going to sell children to the Chinese? They have enough god damn children to worry about, why would they want non-chinese ones too? Is his next evil plot to sell Cocain to Columbia; perhaps a Iced Cream to Finland? China needs people about as much as Russia needs air conditioning. Not to mention the alternatives to Al Gore... The Republicans used to freak out because clinton smoked some dope; now they want to put a guy in office that used to snort peruvian flake off of hooker's tits. Sometimes I think you could slap Jim Nabors in a blue polyester suit, toss him in as the Republican nominee and every hard-core republican on the planet would back him up like a rabit pitbul. It's not politics, its fucking sports for old people.

And what do children have to do with the environment; last I checked it was the adults that were fucking it up. Now if he wanted to sell the population of Palm Springs to China; shit, I'd register to vote.

And besides, you are a troll; what are you compalining about? If they started cleaning house on trolls, I may be escorted out by security, but I'd stumble over your ass on the way out the door.