(youbi no nihongo)

A little info on the days of the week in Japanese. I've included the kanji, the hiragana pronunciation, and the romaji.

(Jan. 2, 2002 - Changed EUC encodings to Unicode entities. Still need unicode-compliant japanese fonts).

月曜日 - Getsuyoubi - Monday
  • 月 - Kanji for moon, and month.
  • 曜 - Kanji for weekday.
  • 日 - Kanji for day.

火曜日 - Kayoubi - Tuesday
  • 火 - kanji for fire.

水曜日 - Suiyoubi - Wednesday
  • 水 - Kanji for water

木曜日 - Mokuyoubi - Thursday

金曜日 - Kinyoubi - Friday
  • 金 - Kanji for gold

土曜日 - Doyoubi - Saturday

日曜日 - Nichiyoubi - Sunday
  • 日 - one of the many readings for the kanji that represents the day, sun, or Japan.

I know, it's not nearly as interesting as the planets, but it's still fun to node =]