(Japanese: 浄土真宗 "The true school of the pure land")

Japanese popular form of Buddhism, founded in the 13th century by Shinran (1173-1262) as an offshoot of the Jodoshu movement. Unlike Jodoshu, Jodoshinshu concentrates on the direct action of Amida (Amitabha Buddha). The core concept is an abstract one, of salvation during life of the individual through the process of faith and conversion (shinjin), whereby Amida takes over and transforms the individual's life.

Like Jodoshu, Jodoshinshu is not concerned with ascetic devotion, spiritual exercises or meditation. The nembutsu is considered the primary exponent of Amidas influence within the individual.

Jodoshinshu split in 1603 into two separate groups, with separate main temples, Nishi Honganji and Higashi Honganji, both in Kyoto. Today, Jodoshinshu is one of the largest groups within Buddhism, counting approximately 12 million followers.

Thanks to gn0sis for help with the kanji.