Also known as dry soils, Aridisols are pale mineral soils commonly found in arid regions such as the Sahara, Namid, Australian and Gobi Deserts. Horizons in this soil group are often shallow because soil formation is characterized by areas of low water supply and sparse vegetaion cover.

Aridisols typically have accumulations of calcium carbonate, gypsum, soluble salts, or sodium in one of its horizons. Carbonates often cement together producing hard layers which are unpenetrable to plant roots, impervious to water, and difficult to excavate for building.

Aridisols are not suitable for agriculture. However, with irrigation and proper management, Aridisols can be very productive. Without proper management, soluble salts can buildup resulting in a wasteland-like environment.

Aridisols occur on nearly 12% of land area on Earth in desert regions.

Suborders include Argids (clay), Calcids (carbonate), Cambids (typical Aridisols), Cryids (cold), Durids (duripan), Gypsids (gypsum), and Salids (salty).