Today was busier than usual. I woke up late, threw on the first thing I could grab from the closet, and rushed out the door after making sure my face was not too frightful. By the time I got to school, it was too late to change. I was wearing short sleeves – the deadliest sin for us cold blooded kind. We’re the ones wearing coats all summer, leaving the windows down and the heat turned all the way up while driving to the beach. I somehow managed not to freeze, which surprised everyone. It was rather pathetic. Every single one of my teachers commented on my lack of layers.

First hour was uneventful. But today was Super Senior Day (aka give us all the money you should be saving for college). I ordered some more graduation announcements and bought a NAHS tassel thing and paid the mandatory senior fee of $45. Filled out a form saying how I wanted my name spelled on my diploma, and I was finished. Of course, I had bought a $35 yearbook and paid the other $40 senior fee for Jungle earlier in the year.

Went to McDonalds for lunch with Stacy, Meagan, and Jessica. The time flew, and we were back at school for band. I had another challenge today. The girl I was challenging gave a thunderous protest to the band director, but he eventually made her do it. I won. Only one more to go and I’m there.

Did my french homework during my release hour, and left school before all the buses could trap me in the parking lot. Got home in five minutes flat – a new record. The conditions were almost perfect; no traffic, no police, only some slush on the roads and no stop signs between 142nd and 168th. This made for quite a speedy ride.

Once home, I sat for fifteen minutes, enjoying the silence of an empty house. Then it was time to go to Hope for class. Nothing too special. Talked about the revolution starting in1789, Robespierre, Danton, and several other nice historical figures. Educational, full of dates and more dates to memorize. Exciting.

Went to the post office afterwards and waited in line for twenty minutes to buy some stamps. I don’t trust those damn postage machines. Probably because I’ve never used one. I’ve never even been to the post office alone before. Sure, I went with Aaron and Seth once in a while for undisclosed reasons, but I was never before on a personal mission. I completed my errand successfully, and was home by quarter after five.

Worked on my latest art projects (due tomorrow), which involved mutilating forks with a pair of pliers and some fire. It’s a wonderful way to vent frustration. And you end up with some neat products to tape to your walls, if you so wish. I still need to finish two paintings, but they aren’t nearly so fun as making deformed silverware into an artist creation.

I left for Jessica’s house at seven. She lives out in the middle of nowhere, past Port Sheldon and on towards Grand Haven. I brought my video camera and we worked on recording her french project, which is also due tomorrow. Meagan and Stacy showed up as well – they were the main characters in the movie we made. This eventually turned into everyone do funny shit for the camera, which lasted until nine or so. We then watched the entire tape. It’s funny to see yourself on TV; I’m so used to seeing the world through my eyes that when I see myself from a different point of view, I can’t even recognize myself.

Got home a short while ago, and am awaiting a call from my beloved.

Attention Everythingians: check your
mail these next couple days.
I was inspired to send postcards
to a select few (I couldn’t
afford more). I love you all, and I love
mail too.