Internet Relationships should not begin with romance--I agree that Romantic Love should have that "spark"--something you cannot find online, but only in person.

But, you can still talk to someone (as long as both parties are honest) and learn to care deeply for each other, just as people two, three hundred plus years ago corresponded with letters. What can come from deep understanding and mutual affection is up to you. You can develop a romantic love if you find that spark in person (just as RockLobster did) or you can find that you have found a wonderful friend and confidante. Honesty, of course, makes it delicate and difficult--unless you have mutual friends there is rarely a way to tell--, but the rewards of setting a relationship's foundation with a strong friendship and intellectual companionship (Whether through the internet or not) can be greater than any relationship that begins with the spark--and fades into nothing.