In the olden days, they used the term "reck" kind of like we use "reckon," but it meant more like: to notice it, to think it through, to mean it. The only example that comes to mind is the siege of Gondor in Tolkien's fantastic Lord of the Rings epic. I remember the scene where the town is totally about to fall and the chief Nazgul comes through the gate. Gandalf is the only one to withstand him. But the conflict never comes, for the Rohirrim arrive in the very nick of time. Before they get there, blowing their horns, the prose says something like:

"And somewhere in the city, a cock crowed, recking nothing of wizardry or war."

Then the horns blow, "echoing about dark Mindoluin's vale," and all is well. Rohan had come at last.

It's got nothing to do with my friend's saying: "Yeah, I'm a reckless driver. I've never had a wreck."