I went to my first Prom ever last night.

I don't go to public school, I've decided to go the home school route during my senior year, but many of my friends are still stuck in high school, so (after being asked a few times by friends) I decided I should witness Prom insanity first hand at least one time in my life.
It was a good experience, and I'd suggest it to any high school senior, because I realized that there are alot of people I know who I may never see again in my entire life, even if these people aren't very close to me, Prom was a nice way to kind of say "Goodbye" to everyone, by seeing them one last time when they are all dressed up and spiffy looking.
This morning I woke up at 8:00 AM and decided to spend the entire day downtown, with no money.
Other than gettting out Desert Solitaire from the library and writing some poems, I didn't do anything particularly productive today. I walked around town, slept on the couches at the coffee shop, read a little bit.
It was incredibly hot today also, which made getting off your ass pretty difficult, since all you were getting up to do was go outside and be scorched by the sun.

My official weather forecast for this summer:

It's going to be a scorcher.

I wrote this today in my physical daylog:

First come
More like first serve yourself today,
And anyone else can wait
Until the coin flips and revolutions
Of spiral shaped evolution
Growin ever-nearer to destitution,
Will reverse
From perverse to divine,
Moving to holiness from the company of swine,
Like changing water to wine,
Manifestations of evil turn kind
Like our lives can rewind,
To the lost innocence of childhood
To see where we stand, and where we stood.
So intentions and actions turn good,
Like cleaning soot from ages of well burnt coal,
Like ashes in a bowl
The remnants of a burnt out soul
Exist in decent people who may seem feeble, fickle, or lost.