Is the actual title of a novel that takes place in the world of paranoia (the RPG game]). Written by Ed Bolme and published by West End Games in 1993.

"Title deleted for Security Reasons" is hilarious from the first paragraph to the last dot. It simply took my 3 times as long as it would to read a book of the same size, because I oftenly had to stop to laugh.

The protagonist is an Intsec agent named James B OND - 1, of the Blue security level them. And imitating James Bond in style.

Although I think one must already have had contact with the Universe were the Paranoia game takes place: tha Alpha Complex in order to fully appreciate the book, it shall be quite funny nonetheless.

The history starts with James B waking up one cicle day( morning), and about page 30, he finally manages to leave his bedroom, after being close to death for 3 or 4 times.

To those who already appreciate your friend The Computer and Its dos and don'ts in Paranoia, the book presents a good insight in the day to day life of a Blue security level average citizen in the Alpha Complex, and thus, is also an invaluable source to game masters everywere.

  • Ecstatically, James pulls the secret panel aside, to peer down the secret passage, which will lead him to the secret Commie cell. A long, dark crawl through a dank passage, brief gunfight, and commendations. Dead Commies galore.


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