(See here for a little more context)

My trip to Europe is beginning to feel more and more real as it approaches. I've spent the past few weeks on the road, visiting family, trying to finish some things before I leave and postpone other things for when I get back. Since I quit my job and hit the road, this has felt more like the vacation. What's yet to come seems like less of a vacation and more like an adventure.

First stop is Bavaria. We'll be landing in Munich next week. Hopefully some satellite trips to Austria and Italy from there, and maybe Switzerland. Then through the Black Forest, up the Rhine from western Germany into France, Christmas in Paris, New Year's on the coast around Mont Saint-Michel, into England in January and through the United Kingdom and Ireland for the winter, then hopefully back to mainland EU to see Amsterdam and Belgium in the spring.

I'm hoping to journal and chronicle my travels as I go along, but probably by pen and paper. I'll post some things here on E2 retrospectively, and will probably (hopefully) continue to post creative/fictional things here, but I don't plan on giving updates here as I go.

People of E2: for once, in over 8 years of being here, I ask for your feedback. What should I do? What should I see? More importantly, what should I NOT do? Where should I not go, what should I not see? Tell me something I can expect. Tell me something I never would have considered. I don't come from a very wealthy background, I don't get these kinds of opportunities often, and I've never been outside the United States. Tell me something about where I'm going that I ought to know.