"There's no relationship."

"Why not?"

"My dad was physically abusive and my mom was passive aggressive."

"Yeah, I wouldn't want anything to do with them either."

"Even now when they can't touch me like when I was a kid, I still can't get over the memories."

"Like PTSD?"

"I probably wouldn't go that far, but I've never tried to get diagnosed."

"I'm lucky I guess. My parents weren't perfect but my childhood was fairly normal."

"What do you do for the holidays - Thanksgiving, Christmas?"

"I go back, get annoyed by extended family, etc. You?"

"I do nothing. I stay at home."

"By yourself?"

"Yeah, just me."

"You're welcome to come with us you know. I don't want you to be alone for the holidays."

"No. Thanks, though. I don't want to impose. And I would feel too awkward."

"Nonsense! Well, I'll leave the door open. I'll ask again when he time comes."

"Thanks, I appreciate the thought."

"Your parents getting old?"

"That's what makes me think I should go back. Everyone sees their parents towards the end, don't they?"

"If your relationship with them --"

"Not so good. I'm torn."

"It's understandable if you don't. Don't let people tell you differently."

"Thanks again, I'm glad you let me talk your ear off."

"Don't worry about it. That's what friends are for, right?

"For the longest time, I wasn't sure I could ever use that word, "friend," you know? I couldn't bring myself to trust anyone."

"Considering what you've been through... well, in any case, I hope to be the first."