On Juneteenth Day everyone gets dressed in their Sunday best and packs picnic baskets with fried chicken, corn bread and beans. Then we’d all drive out to the country and find the appointed hill top. It always has a great view, since Juneteenth is about looking into the future. The party is like the biggest picnic in the word: with all your family and friends and people you’ve never seen in your life before. There is music and usually a tent set up for dancing. For the little kids there’s red pop. A Juneteenth picnic is ended by everyone gathering around and singing a song such as Lift Every Voice and Sing in a big circle so you can see everyone's beautiful faces in the setting sun.

There aren't as many Juneteenth Celebrations these days as there were when I was a kid. But I think they should bring it back and maybe we can even invite the white people this time since they don’t seem to be set (for the most part) on being so mean to us anymore!