Taken wholesale from monk.com. I make no apologies for the accuracy (or lack thereof) for the information revealed herein; believe at your own risk.

Excerpts from the Marion Barry Crack Tape

Mayor Barry: How does this crack pipe work?

Rasheeda Moore: What?

Barry: I don't know how this works. I never done it before.

Moore: That's what we used to do all the time. What are you talking about?

Barry: I'm new, we never done that before, give me a break.

(Moore declines to use crack, saying she will partake after the Mayor. She paces around the room as Barry inhales from the pipe. Moore asks Barry if he is alright, but Barry doesn't reply. He takes a second puff.)

Moore: You don't want to take another one?

Barry: No, you crazy? Let's go downstairs.

(Barry grabs his coat and walks to the door. 6-8 FBI agents and police crash into the room from behind the hidden camera).

Police: Police, FBI. FBI. You're under arrest.

Officer: Okay, Mr. Mayor? We'd like you to put your hands on the wall.

Barry: That was a good setup, wasn't it? I don't have anything. I didn't do anything. I shouldn't have come up here. I'll be damned. How'd I get tricked into this stuff? What am I arrested for?

Officer: You're arrested for violation of the narcotics laws of the District of Columbia.

Barry: That was a set-up, goddamnit.

(Barry is handcuffed and hangs his head)

Barry: All right. No problem, OK. That was a set-up. That was a set-up, goddamnit.

(An EMT checks Barry's medical condition. He is asked how he feels.)

Barry: Pissed off.