I have just woken up, and I already know that it is going to be a lovely day. There is one reason that I am sure of this: I slept past 7:00 AM.
See, there is this space between my blind and the edge of my window, and every single morning, I am awoken by a sliver of light shining directly on my pillow. Once this light wakes me up, I have no way of getting back to sleep, because wherever I move on my bed, the little sliver of light follows me.
But it didn't this morning, which was quite wonderful, so I am feeling good. The sun is shining outside, the leaves are green, my brother is still asleep, my house is clean (I cleaned it yesterday), and I am enjoying yogurt and granola which is my idea of complete happiness. So I don't know yet what the day holds, but I am quite sure that it will be good.

Picnic? Walk in the woods? Chalk in the driveway? Ahh ....