so in the movies whenever people get angry/upset/frustrated, they go somewhere to be by themself and to contemplate their emotions. I got angry/upset/frustrated last night and thought I would give it a shot. I walked up a hill by my house, and I sat on a rock, and just looked out at the view. I sat there and waited for the consolation of my own self-pity to kick in, but it never did. I got bored and only wished I had someone to complain to.

The only thing this helped me to realize is that I whine a lot and I get bored easily. I didn't actually contemplate the incident that had just occured, I threw little rocks at this bigger rock until there weren't any more rocks to throw. Then I got up and went home. As soon as I walked through the front door, the feelings of rage returned. I think that this "quick-fix" for self-realization only helped me to bottle-up my emotions. The media shows "us" a situation in which one gains some-sort of self-actualization by contemplating an incident in solitude; $200,000 spent on therapy over the past 15 years begs to differ the effectiveness of this method...Either that or my therapist has been playing me for a fool.

Therapy on it's own is a crock, that's what friends are for. You really shouldn't have to pay someone to listen to you talk about what goes on in your life, and then give you advice. How on earth do these people get to be doctors? I listen to my friends and give them advice, maybe I should start billing them...