Tracking is a skydiving maneuver in free fall that lets you attain great horizontal speed.

By dearching, bending a little at the waist, tightening the buttocks, stretching the feet out horizontally and using the hands (positioned alongside your body) as stabilizers, you have one well hell of track, reaching speeds of up to 150 miles an hour horizontal speed. The knees must be straight, the toes pointed and both should push down onto the relative wind, as should the arms. "A slightly spread position, with feet almost shoulder width and hands 6"-12" from the toso is better because it aids in stability and makes it easier to deflect more relative wind." (Taken From John Le Blancs Notes On Canopy Control And Freefall Skills). Steering is simply a matter of moving the shoulders and head in your desired direction of travel. By simply whipping an arm across the front of the body, the skydiver goes into an immediate barrel roll, which is only stopped by replacing the arm by the side.