It is nice that the members here care so much and feel so involved. It speaks well of the community that it produces strong feelings. It is also worth being reminded, though, from time to time, that this is not a democracy and that we are guests of the owners here.


The question remains, who are the owners of everything2? And why is that? Is that all about financial contribution? Surely that should be respected!

But money being what it is, that is, solidified work, what is the purpose of those owners in giving away their time for nothing? And we, the rest of us, are guests on what terms exactly? What do we owe the people who are donating their money? If you throw a party and no one comes, you are the owner, yes, but what good does it do you? Are we, we non-financial-givers, entitled to some voice in this thing?

I don't know the answers to these questions. In my book, the folks who pay the money call the tune. But...if these efforts require the (unpaid) efforts of other (unpaid) people, who calls the tune then?