I guess, since this is my quote, I should put a blurb here about it.

Like {hojita} says, this is a nearly impossible goal to achieve. However, in no way does the impossibility of this goal detract from its intrinsic value as a method of dealing with other people.

There are many people out there who think that lying as a matter of habit is a good thing. They just call it "manners." Heinlein advises it as a method of dealing with "Mrs. Grundy," the conservative folks everywhere. It's what's behind the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays. It's still lying.

Many people confuse honesty with forthrightness, and then get all tangled up about the supposed "lie of omission." Honesty, to me, is telling the truth when people ask you about it and not misleading or lying to people even when they don't. Forthrightness is a good old-fashioned word and, in my personal dictionary, is the next step up from honesty. Forthrightness, to me, means being open and honest about things, even if people don't ask. I try to be forthright, but honesty's a good start.

To those people I mentioned above, who practice habitual lying for social gain, my forthrightness and honesty are rudeness and insensitivity. I don't apologize for it. I have saved my sanity from stupid, melodramatic fools more than once because I refused to play their stupid lying games.

As an example of the power of honesty: for thousands of years, gays had a crummy time of it, until (in combination with other things) they stopped hiding what they were and wanted. They stopped lying about themselves and disproved many evil myths about them using their greatest weapon: truth. To be sure, some gays died because they were honest, but so did early Christians and members of nearly every persecuted minority. While the current (2000AD) situation of gays isn't perfect, it's infinitely better than it was.

I'm afraid this turned into more of a rant than I intended. Oh, well. That's how it goes when you feel strongly about something.