"The game" is, in addition to the subjects of many previous writups, a single by the band Action Action off of their second album An Army of Shapes between Wars.
Action Action filmed a video for “The Game” with director Travis Kopach, who is well known for surrealist videos like Straylight Run’s “Hands In The Sky (Big Shot)”. The video features the band playing their instruments in a padded white room with a window, which views out into a city, so I assume the room is within a truck, wearing space suits reminiscent of early space expeditions, also reminiscent, are the dials and buttons near the window at the far end of the truck.
Mark Thomas Kluepfel's slightly whining, cascading voice weaves through biting guitar riffs, drum beats, and bass attacks, all playing to the same crisp beat. This song is absent of synth or keyboard completely, odd for an Action Action song, apart from the introduction, which may only be found on the cd, not the single.
"So, you finally came right out of my head and into my arms. Now these feelings, I know, I'll never let go. I've beaten the game."
Action Action: An Army of Shapes between Wars. Victory Records.