It constantly amazes me the extent to which tiny changes make huge differences in my life.

I've been on this South Beach diet thing for about two weeks now. I feel healthier than I have in a long time. "Detoxing" my blood of carbs and training my body to process complex carbs before simple carbs has made an amazing difference in my energy level. I'm still sleepy a lot of the time, but when I am doing things I feel like I have a lot more in the way of reserves. More energy, in fact, than inspiration, which is sometimes irritating. But I'm gradually feeling better, and I dropped six to eight pounds in the process as well. I'm quite pleased. I am on "phase 2" (limited carbs) at the moment but I will probably go back to phase 1 again in a week or so for reinforcement/weight loss.

I bought some new toys yesterday. I purchased a planter-basket for hanging vines and put three types of ivy and fern in it. It's hung from a mounting bracket above my desk now. It brings the room alive to an incredible degree. I've wanted some plants in there for a long time, but had not been able to find any low-light vines I liked. There's a yearly plant sale on campus, though, sponsored by some sorority/Greek group, and I picked up the things there. Just a plant basket made the room feel much healthier somehow.

I also bought a woodburning tool/soldering iron yesterday. (Yay for impulse purchases). I'd been looking for a soldering iron for a while, and bought this kit because it was snazzy. Now I have the moral responsibility of being accountable for kitch, though. I made a couple woodburnt "sighs", one to go on my altar, the other just as practice. I may try to sell some at a local store, I'm not sure. But man... woodburning is just about the ultimate in kitchy Americana. I feel like my soul should be melting upon becoming responsible for introducing more of it into the world. Oh well, it's fun and it'll keep me out of trouble at least for a day or two until I get bored of it. The cats need to learn--fast--not to jump in my lap while I'm using it, though. That's a Bad Thing.