This is an amazingly simple way of preparing carrots that nearly everyone enjoys--even those who usually hate carrots. This glaze masks the often bitter taste of cooked carrots and improves the texture.

Peel carrots, about 1.5 for each person, and cut into "carrot stick" type strips. Cut carrot in half lengthwise, then into at least 4 strips from each half, more if it is a large carrot. Do not just cut these along the length, the rounds neither cook nor coat as well. Boil in salted water 7-9 minutes until tender. Drain. Return to pot

Melt butter (about 1 tablespoon per 2 servings) and brown sugar (same measure) over carrots, making sure at least the bottom of the pan is totally covered in the sweet mixture. Pinch of salt to taste. Cook until sugar and butter are melted, 1-2 minutes, tossing frequently to make sure all the carrots are coated. (This sweet butter is also excellent spooned on top of mashed potatoes.)