a child's handclapping game:
(everything is pronounced as it sounds)

bo bo ske wotton totton
eh eh eh eh
boom boom boom
eddy beddy wotton totton
bo bo ske wotton totton
bo bo ske wotton totton
(optional) man on the moon!

handmovements are as follows:

R = Right = each player claps (palm foreward) their right hand to the other player's.
L = Left = same, clapping left hands.
S = Slap = slap both palms to other player's palms.
C = Clap = clap own hands together.

now here is the song again, in terms of movements:

bo-(R) * bo-(C) * "no words"-(L) * ske-(C) * wot-(R) * ton-(C) * tot-(L) * ton-(C)
eh-(S) * eh-(S) * eh-(S) * eh-(S)
boom-(S) * boom-(S) * boom-(S) -- move hands up, first stomach, second solar plexus, third near chin.
eddy-(R) * beddy-(C) * wotton-(L) * totton-(C)
bo bo-(R) * ske-(C) * wotton-(L) * totton-(C)
zoom-(L) , and take free right hands and 'zoom' towards left shoulder under the arm 'bridge'.
(optional) man on the moon!-touch 'zooming' right finger to own nose.