Contemplate this on the tree of woe. Crucify him!

Said to be a 1000 year old demi-god, he's a powerful sorceror who can summon demons. But this description may be just propaganda, or fearful rumors of the rabble, as the only powers he displays in the movie are changing his physical form and enchanting snakes. His real power comes from being the charismatic leader of his own cult (Cult of Set), which gives him near total power over his insanely loyal followers, who kill or die at his word. He is convinced that the Riddle of Steel is that steel is only the second most powerful force, the first being control of the mind.

People have no grasp of what they do

He has no compunctions about killing people, and likes to talk grand. In fact, when talking he reminds me in some ways of Marvel Comics villain Dr. Doom, who also likes to talk big, and bows to no one, ultimately aspiring to rule the world.

Ah...must have been when I was younger.

During the time Conan was enslaved and became a thief, the cult of set became a proper cult stationed on the " mountain of power" with a heavy influence on the kingdoms of the realm, as Doom realised that true power was not on steel, but on the flesh that wields it and that he would rule the world only if he commanded the minds and bodies of everyone. Thus he embarked on the quest for global domination...

They shall all be cleansed!