Of course, there will be like a dozen E2 women jumping in saying "Well, I don't fit this stereotype*. Men find me fascinating. I'm a total tomboy."

Hardly. I'm not a tomboy by any stretch of the imagination - long hair, cultivated nails, high heels, make up. I like Meg Ryan movies. And still men have always found me just as fascinating as women have. I have as many male as female friends, even in the closest most intimate circles.

And no, they're not just all trying to get me into bed. This has happened, both with men and with women, but somehow I feel that hanging on to a friendship for seven or ten years just because you're hoping to sleep with someone is a bit far-fetched.

So what's wrong with them? I hear you ask. What's wrong with these men that instead of chugging bruskies with their buddies they're wasting their time talking to a goil?

It's not what's wrong with them, sweetie, it's what's wrong with the picture you just painted. I refuse to accept that men are really as narrow minded, as limited in their interests, as fickle in their resolutions and as devious in getting sexual gratification as you are trying to portray them.

The first people who should be jumping up are not, as you flatter yourself, women (any woman with half a brain will stay away from a guy with your opinions, not waste her time trying to convince him that she's "worthy"), but men. You've just universally insulted any man who is mentally grown past a life which revolves around playing computer games and getting his gun off.

* Give yourself the courtesy of reading what you wrote. You're not stereotyping women. You're stereotyping men.