The HTML below, placed in your notelet nodelet, will give you a button that makes the pipe links on the current page visible.
For example, when the button is clicked, the paragraph above would read:
The HTML below, ( notelet editor | placed in your notelet nodelet ), will give you a button that makes the pipe links on the current page visible.
This is useful for reading things on E2 that have lots of pipe links for humourous or dramatic effect, without having to hover your mouse over all the links.
Note that in all versions you can save precious notelet space by altering the button text from 'Pipe links' to something shorter of your choosing, and by removing the space after 'if', which is just there to prevent this writeup breaking browser windows. If you like you can make it into a link rather than a button and save more space, by changing both instances of 'button' to 'a'.
A recent browser is required, because it is state of the art.
If you're not pushed for space in your notelet nodelet, this version will work in IE and Mozilla and Netscape:
<button onClick="L=document.getElementsByTagName('A');for(i=0;i<L.length;i++){T=L[i];if ((E=T.title)&&(H=T.innerHTML)!=E)T.innerHTML='( '+E+' | '+H+' )'}">Pipe links</button>
Platform specific
Internet Explorer
This version is fractionally smaller.
<button onClick="L=document.getElementsByTagName('A');for(i=0;i<L.length;i++){T=L(i);if ((E=T.title)&&(H=T.innerHTML)!=E)T.innerHTML='( '+E+' | '+H+' )'}">Pipe links</button>
Updates for other browsers are most welcome.
Thanks to BlakJak for testing.