Kingdom Animalia
Subphylum Invertebrata
Phylum Mollusca
Containing the classes:
- Monoplacophora (deep-sea limpet-like creatures)
- Polyplacophora (chitons, rocky marine shorelines)
- Aplacophora (solenogasters, deep-sea wormlike creatures)
- Scaphopoda (tusk shells, marine)
- Gastropoda (snails, slugs, limpets, sea hares, sea butterfly)
- Bivalvia (AKA Pelecypoda; clams, oysters, scallops, mussels
- Cephalopoda (squids, octopuses, nautilus, cuttlefish; marine)
- Caudofoveata (deep-sea wormlike creatures)
They have soft bodies, consisting of a head, a visceral mass, and a foot (sometimes multiple feet -- but none of these feet have bones). Usually there's some type of shell to cover all of this (but octopi and squid are mollusks too {class Cephalopoda}). Most also have a radula ('psuedo-tongue') to help do work that the foot can't handle on its own. Most live in the water, although snails and slugs are also mollusks.