Cornbread Ingredients:
1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup yellow cornmeal
1/3 cup sugar
1 Tbs baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp caraway seed
1 large egg
1 cup whole milk
2 Tbs unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly

Cheddar cheese
Scrambled eggs, if you want

Preheat oven to 425°F. Generously grease an 8-inch round baking pan. Stir together the first five ingredients and half the caraway seeds in a bowl. Whisk together the rest of the ingredients (minus the caraway seeds) in another bowl. Stir the milk mixture into the dry ingredients until they are just combined, but don't mix this too much. Spread the batter into the baking pan you greased and sprinkle the rest of the caraway seeds on top. Bake this for 20 minutes in the middle of the oven, or until the sides start to pull away from the edge of the pan. Cool this in the pan on a rack for five minutes. Reduce the oven's temperature to around 250°F.

Get the cornbread out of the pan, carefully. Slice it horizontally into two round pieces of equal height. Melt some butter into the halves if you want to. Place the bottom half back into the pan, then spread salsa across it like a frosting. If you want to put some scrambled eggs in here, put them on the salsa. Cover this with cheddar, preferably extra sharp, and put the top of the cornbread back on top. Cover this with aluminum foil and pop it back into the oven at 250° for a few minutes so everything melts together nicely.

Serve a wedge of this, draped with chili, or with a side of beans and rice, or whatever. Good with water, milk, beer, or what have you.

NOTE: If you use oleomargarine or skim milk or "lite" cheese, you're going to Hell along with everyone who puts Cool Whip into instant coffee and calls it cappuccino.

SOURCE: Adapted from a caraway cornbread recipe from