More things that make Rogers Park worth living in:
Enormous housing diversity, including massive houses, bungalows, 3+1s, tenements, high-rises (along the lake), and tons of two-flats and three-flats.
Enormous human diversity, with large concentrations of students AND old-folks-homes...first-generation Mexican immigrants AND Irish sixth-generation Chicago families...the Sun Myung Moon unification church AND a Hare Krishna temple...(hrm, well, anyway it emphasizes the diversity.) Devon Avenue ties (loosely) together Indians, Pakistanis, Hasidim, Assyrians, and many others all in the space of about two miles.
Enormous open space availability compared with most of the city...including Pottawattomie, Touhy, Loyola, and Warren parks... and Indian Boundary Park (and zoo!) Not to mention a beach at the end of nearly every east-west street.
Enormous public transit infrastructure: Between the Howard Street CTA terminal and the local Metra rail station there are express and local options on bus, light rail and train services.