A few tips for beginners:
- Don't do the deed where you found the body. Graveyards, morgues, etc. are often on the lookout for this kind of thing. Take the corpse to your home (this way, you can also keep it around for a few days, allowing for repetition of your fun. You don't even really need to take the whole corpse. Just bring a hacksaw with you, and remove the head/torso/pelvis or whatever it is you need for your jollies.
- Wear a condom. Remember, this person is dead. Dead things are a great place to catch diseases.
- Use lubrication. Unlike the living, corpses will not produce their own lube (Well, they may. It depends on the age and condition of the corpse, as well as where you're sticking it, but this lube may not be quite what you want). Be sure to use something that will not harm the integrity of the condom. Vaseline will destroy a condom. Try K-Y Jelly or Astroglide, both of which are water based.
- Seek therapy.
The practice (art?) of Necrophilia is easiest for men. Women have all sorts of issues to deal with, such as finding a fresh corpse, with just the right kind of rigor mortis. I urge any females with tips of their own to please post them, so humanity may benefit from their knowledge as such.
Disclamer: I do not practice, nor do I endorse anything mentioned above. Really, I don't. Those bodies in my closet are for serious medical experiments. Now, unless you have a warrant, please go away, and give me a chance to destroy the evidence. Oh, and don't vote me down because I'm a sicko. It's not nice.