Ah fuck where was I?

Hold on a sec.

(the sound of muted bubbles bursting trapped behind glass can be heard off in the distance followed by a dry cough.)

Don't worry, my red eyes and cough it's not covid, it is the chronic. My cough won't infect your computer with the Rona V but this text might infect some child's brain. Causing it to melt, no wait, their mom Karen's brain will melt we she finds out her child developed, Conservativism.

Someone grab a mop, Karen's head just imploded. Straight up disappeared right into her A-frame and out came about a gallon of her liberal tears. This wasn't the only case in Maine, there seemed to be a streak, a rash, a red blemish on their community. District two was infected.

"Absolute travesty," some would say but it was a necessity in order to preserve the status quo.

Nature likes to keep things in balance. I think.

That is an idea worth contemplating.

(Rustles around for something, pulls out a canister and fills a tube with a pressurized liquid from the canister.)

Yup, it is as sound as a bell, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; everything is even Steven like the passage of time measured as day and night.

Trust me, I equinox about 2 times a year like everyone, and you solstice just as much. So my point is valid, day and night are in balance.

(a click then a small roar of a flame consuming fuel and oxygen mixed at a perfect stoichiometric ratio could be heard and about a minute later more muffled bubbles.)

Nature is a balancing act, like baby humans learning to walk, we might not always be sure where it is at but there is a center of balance to this thing. Not too balanced, though. Nature likes to lean. It sways. Yeah, nature sways. Which way does nature sway? I will tell you one thing, we ain't finding out today. Watch out for those Swinging states. Too easily can they be swayed by thumbing the scales. People treating the public poll like it is picnic, because of course one's civic duties must include rolling in a yeti cooler full to the very top with sandwiches made with fine meats from Hillshire farm for everyone to eat while counting ballots.

I am proud of you Michigan, you treat your election judges right.

I want Colorado to have better tracking of our districts like Maine and Nebraska. Imagine if the entire nation's electoral college went by district. That would be considered a big PHQ to silicon valley. Everyone in favor of saying PHQ to the cyber pricks contact your representative today and tell him to stop the californication of your state by splitting the vote.

Rural America Your Voice shouldn't be Ignored by the Cities Choice.

The electoral college works, it just needs some refinement. I mean, What could happen if you let northern California and northern New York in on the action and let them have a little piece of the pie? Let's shake things up a bit, at this point, can it get any worse; a guy suffering from the effects of two cerebral aneurysms bursting in his noggin is nearing the white house.

"Come on, man."

I know a little something about dementia, I dated a narcissist for a good portion of my life

"you are a lying dog faced pony soldier."

No, I am pretty sure she was even though I am not a doctor but if it walks and talks like a duck then it is a duck.

On that note, do you know why duck's have curly penises?

Duck Rape. No, this is not a joke. Female ducks are gang raped so often through evolution they have developed, so to speak, false vaginas to ward off any undesirable mate's package from reaching the correct spot. Some say the Nymphomania is an Adult manifestation of childhood abuse Joe Biden's Daughter received, since humans are as acknowledged a little behind in the rape culture in comparison to some of our foul friends they tend to deal with nature differently.

I need to stop this jingle here, remember we need to be able to market this crap to the kids and sex, politics and/or religious experiences brought on from heavy drug usage are questionable topic material. You must have ad sense if you are going to negotiate this world. Google is watching, google is always watching.

I think I have a touch of the googlephobia.

But this fear is proving to be more rational as the days progress into years, so is it still a phobia when the danger is real? My boot can't {easily} squash these spiders. Sounds like the makings of a tale stranger than fiction can provide and only time will tell. The pen is in the hand's of Fate, every thing hangs in balance and I can wait to see what the Penn will state.