Rules for
confession in the
Roman Catholic church:
Step One: Get Acquainted
1. Examine your conscience.
2. Make a list (use pen & pad if needed) of all your mortal sins committed since your last confession. You may also confess venial sins, but the priest will think you are a brown-noser. If you're not sure if something you've done is a sin, check your prayer book. Many contain a special list of sins for easy reference.
3. If this is your first confession since baptism you will have a hell of a lot of territory to cover. If you have converted recently, you only need to confess sins committed since your baptism/conversion.
4. Do not be alarmed if your confession runs over 30 minutes, your priest is probably used to it by now.
5. Don't worry if you can't remember all of your sins but DO NOT leave out sins on purpose. Big no no.
6. Confession can be heard anywhere, as long as it is in person with a priest (no, not the Sinead O'Conner kind either!)
Step Two: Cleaning Your Nasty Soul
1. Do something to let the priest know you are ready to begin. Usually this means crossing yourself and saying "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen"
2. The priest will bless you and read some encouraging Scripture.
3. If you want to be a traditionalist, you can say "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." Then let the priest know approx. how long it has been since your last confession.
4. Name those sins. The priest may stop you frequently to clarify details or offer advice. Let him know when you are finished.
5. The priest will give you a penance-- which is something you must do to show you regret your sin. It could be something like reciting prayers or reading Bible passages.
6. Make an act of contrition. That is, ask God to forgive you, tell Him you are sorry...and mean it.
7. The priest will absolve you and say : "God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
8. Say "Amen". Thank the priest and leave. Be sure to do your penance ASAP.
9. Walk out the door and enjoy your sin free life...while it lasts.